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This company was founded by circumstance.

Rebel & Muse is the response to a parting statement:
“What you do is visionary.”
It shook them. It shaped us.
What it does for you will decide if you call—or don't.

Life's Better With &

We're not like the others.


The others would have you believe we're mischievous rebels, outcasts and rule-breakers.


They're not wrong, it's in the name. But they have lied to you. We're not provocation for the sake of anarchy.


Our industry courts the word 'disruption' a little too freely; we believe there can be no revolution without a muse.

That doesn't mean we haven't considered starting our own motorcycle club, or that we take our Wingstop any less than atomic.


Fact is, life's better with &.
Creative & Strategy. Emotion & Reason. Story & Truth. Taylor & Travis? You didn't see that coming.

We get out of bed to inspire long-term change. Fuelled by culture, creativity, brand & advertising, and their impact on human lives.

You didn't arrive here by accident.

You're here because good is average and average sucks.
You're here because you are different. So are we.  

Our philosophy. Our framework. Our state of mind. The truth.

Rebel Revolucíon

Viva LA Revolucíon

We might be new but this ain't our first rodeo. Don’t mistake us for naïve—just tired of watching the same transactional churn get dressed up and sold as creativity.

Our work has left its mark across the globe. From Birmingham to Bali, São Paulo, Joshua, and Singapore. Krakow to Quebec and Oaxaca. You get the gist.

Radical ideas run through our veins. Things were always going to be more than a conversation. Inevitable, really.



Ever seen the 1963 American horror-thriller "The Birds"?


In some circles, it's considered a creative masterpiece. But frankly… it ain't all that.

What’s important for you to know is according to the film’s director, Alfred Hitchcock, over 28,000 birds were used to make the movie. Of which, 3,200 (a mix of sparrows, crows, and seagulls) were trained, 30 were considered "special," (mostly crows), and 4 were so consistently reliable they became the leads –they were ravens.

Irrelevant, really, when you consider "The Birds" had no bearing on our decision to let the raven front the band.


Here's to the wild ones

We're not an agency, but we appreciate the SEO, so we'll humour you for now.

Our industry is like a bar. Oil men drink whiskey, and pirates squander rum. For everyone else, there's tequila. 

Rebel & Muse is tequila.

The Wild ones

you like us, don't you?

Must be the tequila

Things we get up to every damn day

No joke, this is the kinda stuff we'd give weekends up for. This, and trading tattoo stories around a fire pit, naturally.

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